Results 1271 - 1280 of 1358


American # 3548

American Mahogany Demilune Inlaid Game Table, Circa 1780

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American # 3897

American Sheraton Cherry and Tiger Maple Two-Drawer Stand, ...

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French # 3900

French Serpentine Marble-Top and Gilt Floral Center Table, ...

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American # 3661

American Chippendale Cherry Serpentine Pembroke. Circa 1770

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Irish # 3666

Irish Chippendale Mahogany Dessert Table, Circa 1780

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Italian # 3671

Italian Mahogany Inlaid Demi-lune Game Table. Circa 1790

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English # 3672

English Chippendale Mahogany Side Table. Circa 1790

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English # 3682

English Regency Mahogany Two Tier Dumb Waiter. Circa 1780

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English # 3686

English Bow Front Mahogany Server. Circa 1790

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American # 4881

American Federal Mahogany Compartmentalized Hinged Top Work ...

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