Results 641 - 650 of 1358


English # 3477

English Sterling Silver Lined Humidor with Hallmarks. Circa ...

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English # 3479

English Mahogany Tilt Top Podium. Circa 1770

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English # 3482

English Oak Campaign Chest on Stand. Circa 1820

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English # 3483

English Chippendale Mahogany Tall Case Clock, Circa 1780

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English # 3493

English Regency Dolphin Door Knocker. Circa 1820

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English # 3498

English Plum Pudding Mahogany Library Table. Circa 1780

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English # 3514

English Mahogany Drop-Leaf Pembroke Table, Circa 1780

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English # 3518

Pair of English Mahogany Foot Stools, Circa 1820

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English # 3525

English Classical Federal Gilt Carved Wood and Gesso Wall ...

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English # 3565

English Bronze and Cast Iron Horse Tether. Mid 19th Century

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